Avoid paying expensive legal fees for probate
with our fixed fee online probate applications, just $499+GST.
Simply Probate NZ: offering simple fixed fee probate applications across the whole of New Zealand.
Dealing with the aftermath of a loved one passing is an emotional and stressful time. If the deceased left any one asset over $15,000 then a probate application will be required.
This task generally falls on the executor(s) named in the will, or, if there is no will, the administrator. The application is a little more complicated if there is no will. Either way, there are some legal documents which need to be provided to the Probate Registry together with the court fee.
If all is well, the court issues a ‘grant’ which is the formal document that authorises the executor (or administrator if there’s no will) to deal with the deceased’s estate.
We are responsive and efficient, using document automation software to prepare your application, to complete your probate application in the most time and cost effective way possible. For certainty and transparency, we offer a flat fee on probate applications.
Just letting you know this afternoon i received a reply from the High Court Wellington a signed & stamped confirmation document appointing me administrator for my late brother’s estate. I have forwarded on to you a Screenshot picture of the said documents, Monday i shall make contact with his Kiwisaver Provider for an appointment to get things in motion. Again Rion on behalf of my whanau & i we sincerely thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the awesome mahi you did for us to complete this kaupapa.
KP Waiuku, Auckland
Thank you for all your assistance during the process of obtaining the probate for mother’s estate. Your patience, promptness and instructions were exceptional and much appreciated during difficult time.
The probate has now been processed.
Wishing you all the best.
EG – Birkdale, Auckland
how it works?
Initial instructions
We take your instructions; you provide us with a copy of the will (if there is one) & death certificate. We send you our terms of engagement confirming instructions & the fixed fee.
Check validity of will
We check there are no issues with the will, confirm other relevant details, and then prepare the necessary documents including application, supporting affidavit, probate or letters of administration.
Documents sent to you
We send you all the required documents with next step instructions including swearing the affidavit at a local solicitor/Justice of the Peace, and sending the application to the Probate Registry in Wellington.
PROBATE NZ application: FIXED FEEs
probate NZ Application: valid will
$499* + GST + court fee
1 or 2 executors named in will
review will to confirm valid
prepare probate application
prepare executor affidavit / probate
exhibit label for original will
*subject to terms of engagement
when there’s no will
$899* + GST + court fee
no will or no executors named
who is entitled to a grant
prepare application notice
prepare affidavit / grant
other documents as appropriate
*subject to terms of engagement
about us
Rion Norris
Rion has been a lawyer for many years. He runs a disputes practice in Christchurch. He is also passionate about improving access to legal services, and set up Simply Probate to deliver a better way for people to apply for probate.
Abby Rushmer
Abby moved to New Zealand in 2017, and was previously a lawyer in the UK. She assists Rion with all aspects of Simply Probate.
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